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DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser 32oz / 946ml
DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser 32oz / 946ml
Brand: DevaCurl
Name: Curlbond Re-Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser
Gender: Women
Type/Color: Shampoo
Size: 32oz / 946ml
Packaging: New
Retail Price: $62.00
Our Price: $19.95
Savings: $42.05
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Quantity in Stock:20

Product Code: DV02739

Description 100% Authentic Shipping
DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser 32oz / 946ml DevaCurls CURLBOND Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser with its patented CurlBond Complex recoils damaged curls and works from the inside out to help relink broken bonds, improve strength and protect from future damage. It maintains shine and leaves curls healthy looking with enhanced definition.

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