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DevaCurl Flexfactor Curl Protection and Retention Primer 3oz / 88ml DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Split End Serum 3oz / 88ml DevaCurl Flexfactor Curl Protection and Retention Primer 8oz / 236ml
DevaCurl Flexfactor Curl Protection and Retention Primer 3oz / 88ml
Retail Price: $17.00
Our Price: $4.95
Savings: $12.05
DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Split End Serum 3oz / 88ml
Retail Price: $37.00
Our Price: $10.95
Savings: $26.05
DevaCurl Flexfactor Curl Protection and Retention Primer 8oz / 236ml
Retail Price: $31.00
Our Price: $12.95
Savings: $18.05
DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser 12oz / 355ml DevaCurl Scalp Puriphy Easy Rinse Exfoliating Spray 8oz / 236ml DevaCurl Melt Into Moisture Treatment Mask 8oz / 236ml
DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser 12oz / 355ml
Retail Price: $34.00
Our Price: $12.95
Savings: $21.05
DevaCurl Scalp Puriphy Easy Rinse Exfoliating Spray 8oz / 236ml
Retail Price: $41.00
Our Price: $12.95
Savings: $28.05
DevaCurl Melt Into Moisture Treatment Mask 8oz / 236ml
Retail Price: $44.00
Our Price: $14.95
Savings: $29.05
DevaCurl Low Poo Delight Mild Lather Cleanser 32oz / 946ml DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser 32oz / 946ml DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Treatment Mask 17.75oz / 525ml
DevaCurl Low Poo Delight Mild Lather Cleanser 32oz / 946ml
Retail Price: $58.00
Our Price: $19.95
Savings: $38.05
DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Mild Lather Cleanser 32oz / 946ml
Retail Price: $62.00
Our Price: $19.95
Savings: $42.05
DevaCurl Curlbond Re Coiling Treatment Mask 17.75oz / 525ml
Retail Price: $78.00
Our Price: $19.95
Savings: $58.05